IVSA Symposium at NC State

The International Veterinary Experience Committee (IVEC) of the SAVMA House of Delegates is pleased to announce that SAVMA (as a member organization of IVSA Global) has been chosen to host the next IVSA Symposium and General Assembly at North Carolina State University! The symposium will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, January 1st – January 8th, 2016. This is a very exciting opportunity to advance veterinary medicine both within the United States and on a global basis. Check out the flyer below for more details and don’t forget to join the “IVSA Symposium and General Assembly at NC State” Facebook Group to stay up to date with the latest news surrounding this event.

Interested in being involved on the planning committee for this event? Email John Griffioen (jagriff5@ncsu.edu) or Samantha Morici (smm0053@auburn.edu) to find out how you can help!

Can’t help us plan but want to participate in the event?? Applications are now live! Apply online at https://cvm.ncsu.edu/event/ivsa2017/#tabsPnl1-tab-0 by October 1st.

Any more questions about the event can be sent  to SAVMA.IVSA.Symposium@gmail.com. We can’t wait to show our international colleagues the culture and quality of veterinary medicine in the US!