Study Abroad in Europe

The Netherlands
Kristina Baltutis; Class of 2017
Location: Utrecht, the Netherrlands
Program: Merial Veterinary Scholars Program
Dates: May – July, 2013
The summer after my first year in vet school, I spent three months in the Netherlands at the veterinary school at the University of Utrecht. For my research project, we were investigating the effect of an obesogenic diet on the distribution of fat droplets within embryos from a group of Shetland pony mares. I found out about the opportunity to work in this lab through a conversation with a professor at NC State (who is now my advisor), so make sure you’re building relationships with our incredible faculty! Most of my time was spent on the research aspect of my project, but I did have time for some clinical experience as the project itself concluded. One of my favorite things about this experience was the diversity of the lab – throughout the summer, I worked with veterinarians or veterinary students from seven different countries!
NOTE: The exact locations for the program change year to year so it’s worth checking to see what’s offered this year!

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